Books of 2024
This year, I read 12 books.
read moreThis year, I read 23 books and discovered 14 new authors.
I would say that 2014 was the year of non-fiction literature for me. At the same time, I discovered another great author whom I loved instantly. Isle of Dreams by Keizo Hino has become one of my all-time favorites. I also finished The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann, a book I had wanted to read since I started working at our local bookstore in 2009.
December 12, 2014 Мастер ветров и закатов (Сновидения Ехо #1) by Макс Фрай (2014)
December 7, 2014 Идеальный роман by Макс Фрай (1997)
December 6, 2014 Вторая линия by Макс Фрай (2012)
December 2, 2014 Первая линия by Макс Фрай (2012)
November 21, 2014 En gatekatt ved navn Bob by James Bowen (2010)
November 15, 2014 The Private Lives of Plants by Lee Seung-u (2000)
November 14, 2014 Tigers in Red Weather by Liza Klaussmann (2012)
November 10, 2014 The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann (1924)
August 25, 2014 Geschichte des Waldes. Von der Urzeit bis zur Gegenwart by Hansjörg Küster (2008)
August 19, 2014 Civilization: A New History of the Western World by Roger Osborne (2006)
May 30, 2014 The Magus by John Fowles (1965)
May 14, 2014 Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco (1988)
April 24, 2014 The Painted Veil by W. Somerset Maugham (1925)
April 20, 2014 The Stars Look Down by A. J. Cronin (1935)
April 11, 2014 Isle of Dreams by Keizo Hino (1985)
April 8, 2014 Вештачки младеж by Milorad Pavić (2009)
April 5, 2014 Седам смртних грехова by Milorad Pavić (2002)
March 29, 2014 Unique Item by Milorad Pavić (2004)
March 27, 2014 My View of Literature by Stanisław Lem (2003)
January 22, 2014 The Last Weynfeldt by Martin Suter (2008)
January 18, 2014 Le Solitaire by Eugène Ionesco (1973)
January 15, 2014 Cantique de la racaille by Vincent Ravalec (1998)
January 10, 2014 Angel Pavement by J. B. Priestley (1930)