Books of 2019

December 31, 2019

Years of Reading

This year, I read 66 books and discovered 19 new authors.

I finally completed nearly all of Yukio Mishima's works, which I had long wanted to read. Additionally, back in 2019, I set a rule to discover at least one or two new authors each month, and I've already found some excellent ones for my collection! The most significant discovery this year, without a doubt, was Jonathan Coe. I've wanted to read his books ever since I worked at our local bookstore nearly ten years ago.


December 19, 2019 Good Trouble: Stories by Joseph O'Neill (2018)

December 8, 2019 Братья Карамазовы by Ф. М. Достоевский (1880)


November 20, 2019 Bad Blood by E. O. Chirovici (2018)

November 15, 2019 Преступление и наказание by Ф. М. Достоевский (1866)

November 5, 2019 Кому на Руси жить хорошо by Н. А. Некрасов (1866)

November 1, 2019 The Whispering Land by Gerald Durrell (1961)


October 28, 2019 The Long Valley by John Steinbeck (1938)

October 25, 2019 The Autumn of the Middle Ages by Johan Huizinga (1919)

October 24, 2019 Heliopolis by Ernst Jünger (1949)

October 21, 2019 A Russian Journal by John Steinbeck (1948)

October 8, 2019 The Book of Mirrors by E. O. Chirovici (2017)

October 7, 2019 The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton (2018)


September 30, 2019 Rejection Proof: How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible Through 100 Days of Rejection by Jia Jiang (2015)

September 28, 2019 The Glass Bees by Ernst Jünger (1957)

September 25, 2019 The Sixteen Trees of the Somme by Lars Mytting (2014)

September 19, 2019 Rainbirds by Clarissa Goenawan (2018)

September 17, 2019 Do Tmy by Anna Bolavá (2015)

September 16, 2019 La bustina di Minerva by Umberto Eco (1999)

September 10, 2019 Maia (Beklan Empire #2) by Richard Adams (1984)


August 20, 2019 Love from Paddington by Michael Bond (2014)

August 19, 2019 Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman (2017)

August 14, 2019 Killing Commendatore by Haruki Murakami (2017)


July 29, 2019 Number 11 by Jonathan Coe (2015)

July 24, 2019 The Dwarves of Death by Jonathan Coe (1990)

July 23, 2019 Middle England (The Rotters' Club #3) by Jonathan Coe (2018)

July 10, 2019 To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf (1927)

July 5, 2019 The Wisdom of Trees by Max Adams (2014)


June 26, 2019 The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt (2013)

June 4, 2019 Absolutely on Music: Conversations with Seiji Ozawa by Haruki Murakami (2011)


May 20, 2019 Forbidden Colors by Yukio Mishima (1951)

May 15, 2019 The Temple of the Golden Pavilion by Yukio Mishima (1956)

May 6, 2019 Thirst for Love by Yukio Mishima (1950)


April 29, 2019 Sun and Steel by Yukio Mishima (1968)

April 27, 2019 My Friend Hitler by Yukio Mishima (1968)

April 26, 2019 Madame de Sade by Yukio Mishima (1965)

April 25, 2019 What a Carve Up! by Jonathan Coe (1994)

April 16, 2019 The Little Friend by Donna Tartt (2002)

April 1, 2019 A Touch of Love by Jonathan Coe (1989)


March 28, 2019 The Accidental Woman by Jonathan Coe (1987)

March 28, 2019 Way of the Samurai by Yukio Mishima (1967)

March 26, 2019 Death in Midsummer by Yukio Mishima (1953)

March 26, 2019 The Magic Pillow by Yukio Mishima (1950)

March 26, 2019 Patriotism by Yukio Mishima (1961)

March 26, 2019 The Damask Drum by Yukio Mishima (1951)

March 26, 2019 The Ladi Aoi by Yukio Mishima (1954)

March 26, 2019 Komachi at the Gravepost by Yukio Mishima (1952)

March 25, 2019 Page by Yukio Mishima (1949)

March 25, 2019 Philosophical Diary of a Serial Killer from Middle Ages by Yukio Mishima (1944)

March 23, 2019 Confessions of a Mask by Yukio Mishima (1949)

March 19, 2019 The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea by Yukio Mishima (1963)

March 18, 2019 Sorrel Flowers — Akihiko's Memory of the Early Childhood by Yukio Mishima (1938)

March 18, 2019 The Sound of Waves by Yukio Mishima (1954)

March 17, 2019 The Secret History by Donna Tartt (1992)

March 6, 2019 The Closed Circle (The Rotters' Club #2) by Jonathan Coe (2004)

March 1, 2019 The Rotters' Club (The Rotters' Club #1) by Jonathan Coe (2001)


February 26, 2019 The Rain Before it Falls by Jonathan Coe (2007)

February 24, 2019 The House of Sleep by Jonathan Coe (1997)

February 20, 2019 The Decay of the Angel (The Sea of Fertility #4) by Yukio Mishima (1971)

February 19, 2019 The Temple of Dawn (The Sea of Fertility #3) by Yukio Mishima (1970)

February 15, 2019 Runaway Horses (The Sea of Fertility #2) by Yukio Mishima (1969)

February 12, 2019 Spring Snow (The Sea of Fertility #1) by Yukio Mishima (1969)

February 7, 2019 The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand (1943)


January 29, 2019 The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks (1984)

January 25, 2019 Shardik (Beklan Empire #1) by Richard Adams (1974)

January 18, 2019 Soul Music by Terry Pratchett (1994)

January 3, 2019 Tales from Watership Down by Richard Adams (1996)

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